Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Beginning of the End.. or something.

Have you ever been sitting on your couch, munching on some snacks and watching a zombie movie when you realized, “Oh shit. If the zombie apocalypse happened today I would be so screwed!”? That is what happened to me. Although, TECHNICALLY I was watching the History Channel:  After Armageddon.

Content until now to eat snacks and survive life, I decided it was time for a change. I picked up a few rules to use for my 30 day challenge and this is how I plan to chronicle it. Rules of the game are as follows.

1.)    If it has to be kept cold, cooked with a stove or microwave, or is imported… you can’t eat it.

What this means to you (or me as I am the one doing it…) is that I can only eat things I would likely be able to scavenge on my own after society comes to a limping, moaning, halt. This includes:

                Canned goods
                Dried fruits and nuts
                Granola Bars
                Beef Freakin’ Jerky!
                Twinkies (Go Go Zombieland!)

I’m sure you get where I am going with this. As a true fat kid at heart, I doubt I could survive even the zombie epidemic without some junk food at least every once in awhile.

2.)    If I have to use gas to get there, I guess I am not going.

This is going to be the hardest rule for me to follow. With the exception of when I have to take my kids somewhere, I don’t plan on driving. This will also mean that if I can’t fit something in my backpack, I really don’t need it. I’ll be walking to and from my house to my work, to the store, to the bank, to wherever I want to go.

3.)    Unless I am blogging, I’m not going to use my electricity.

Well, I am not using it to an extent. I still need to shower for work and cook for my family who will not be joining me in my zombie lifestyle. This still means that I will not watch T.V. and I won’t be on my Facebook! (AHHH!!!) And in this joyful Michigan weather I won't be using my heat at night or my A/C during the day.

4.)    Pretty sure you can’t get your hair did or your tan on in an electricity free, zombie infested world.

No highlights for this girl. No fake-bake either. Eyebrows (my most frequent beautification money sink) are out too. I guess I am learning how to tweeze.

5.)    Make the Kit… Fit!

I am buying a supplies kit. Well, buying what I need to build my own supply kit really. Things I will need should I not have common conveniences at my daily disposal. Basically what this rule means to me is that if I didn’t pack it in my kit from day one and I can’t “scavenge” it from local trade. I don’t get to use it. That brings me to my last challenge rule…

6.)    Local Commerce… the original superstore.

Yeah I am still going to go to work and get my money. Obviously my entire community is not going to join me in my zombie experiment. However, I think that after the dead are walking around eating brains and breaking through windows causing terror, survivors will be forced to trade with people they encounter for goods and maybe even services. We have a decent farmers market here that I plan on taking full advantage of.  Also, I have been working on starting a garden of my own. I figure I can grow veggies at my “base”. I like veggies. And since I can’t use my stove, I will be eating a lot of them.

Feel free to follow me during this journey. I’ll try to keep my posts as frequent as possible. If you have any zombie-rific suggestions for me to apply to my experiment please let me know! I will be taking suggestions and emails through my blog only.

See you out there. (Or not if you were one of the unfortunate non-survivors.)

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